Boskalis Nordic Today No. 01/2019
A new residential area with wonderful sea views will be built at Kruunuvuorenranta, Helsinki. Terramare is implementing a diverse preconstruction contract commissioned by the City of Helsinki, including site clearance and dredging, extensive sea-filling and the construction of a new swimming beach.
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01 is more than enough blasted rock – around one million cubic metres,” says Terramare Site Manager Markku Pöyhönen. “A total of 900,000 cubic metres of blast- ed rock will be used at the location. The blasted rock filling is the responsibility of a subcontractor, E. Hartikainen Oy, which both crushes and transports the blasted rock. The blasted rock is transported to the site using high-performance trucks, of which the most powerful are the Caterpil- lar 777 series. When loaded, the trucks in question weigh 160 tonnes,” explains Pöyhönen. The sea-filling includes 40 metres wide stone embankments and erosion protec- tion, implemented on the edges of the fill- ing area, after the completion of which rock-filling continue in the interior part of the site. Deep compaction of the rock fill will be done from onshore by dynamic compaction. After completion, the sea-fill-
ing, including surface crushed aggregate, will be 1.5 metres above sea level. In the centre of the fill area a canal traversing the residential area will be excavated later. “Alongside the filling, which is progress- ing smoothly, we are also carrying out cleaning work. We have delimited and
protected the area with a floating protec- tive pontoon screen, which prevents occa- sional rubbish found amidst the rock waste from spreading into the surrounding water- ways. Rubbish is collected from the shores and sea of the contract area, sorted and transported for appropriate waste process-
VIEW OF THE KOIRASAARET SEA-FILLING AREA. In the background, the grab dredger Kahmari 2. The filling area, surrounded by a floating protective screen. ARTIST’S IMPRESSION OF THE NEW KRUUNUVUORENRANTA residential area. A) Koirasaaret residential area to be built in the sea-filling area, B) Kruunusilta bridge, to be built later, C) New Stansvikinranta swimming beach. SITE MANAGER MARKKU PÖYHÖNEN MONITORS that the area’s beautiful nature is not damaged or disturbed in connection with the work.
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