Boskalis CSR report 2017

CSR 2017 – BOSKALIS 63


“For some time already, numerous companies have been looking to boost sustainability throughout the supply chain. However, the lack of a single, uniform standard hindered this. As a result, we now have many different interpretations and implementations of sustainable practices.” ONE STANDARD, ONE AUDIT “In creating the BlueScan tool, we’ve set a uniform standard for the entire maritime sector. The standard has been based on input from several other methods that were used to assess the sustainability of our suppliers. In practice, this means that from now on, suppliers only need to adhere to one common standard and will receive only one audit request. The tool is embedded in a project framework that prescribes procurement process requirements to ensure a high audit and/or evaluation standard, which will lead to efficiency gains. The tool offers access to a well-founded sustainability method and is a concrete incentive for sustainable choices in products and services for maritime suppliers worldwide. In addition, the tool enables information sharing amongst the maritime network partners.” Paula Ockeloen, member of the BlueScan Reviewers Board on behalf of Boskalis, continues: “The biggest challenge of the whole process was to create a consensus as to what was required in the audit and how results were to be interpreted and measured. The scan has 110 questions in eight categories. It was essential that questions were formulated in such a way that there could be no doubt as to their interpretation. Only then is it possible to provide a proper rating and set a uniform industry standard.”

“By aligning methods and collaborating through one platform, we have managed to achieve unity and clarity for all parties when it comes to sustainability expectations and process implementation. By using the BlueScan tool companies are able to lift their sustainable procurement processes to a higher level. Reactions from suppliers have been very positive. BlueScan not only stimulates transparency in the sector in the field of CSR, but will also contribute to sustainable innovations. Extensive adoption of BlueScan by the Dutch maritime sector will lead to significant effects and will undoubtedly create worldwide positive ripple effects throughout the entire maritime value chain,” Rijnsdorp concludes.

ABOUT BLUESCAN The BlueScan tool is an online tool that allows companies throughout the maritime sector to determine their own level of corporate social responsibility, as well as execute assessments of supplier sustainability levels. It contains a questionnaire that builds upon the project partners’ custom made methods and is in compliance with international standards. The tool has considerable efficiency and cost-saving benefits: suppliers only have to submit the scan once, instead of filling out separate scans for different customers. LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER BlueScan accurately maps the sustainable performance, risk levels and possible areas of improvement of companies in a transparent way. By doing so, it enables interaction between customer and supplier. Users can share scores for CSR and communicate what their efforts and results are. By understanding each other’s results, participants can learn from each other and boost their performance.


“During this past year, we piloted the scan whilst conducting the implementation scans of our strategic suppliers. We selected nine suppliers, representative for both small and larger companies from the Netherlands and abroad. Their feedback and input has proven extremely valuable in further improving the scan. BlueScan was officially launched during the Maritime Week at the Europort Maritime Exhibition in November,” Ockeloen adds.

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