Boskalis 2017 Half Year Report

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS (Condensed consolidated Income statement) The notes on pages 27 to 31 are an integral part of these Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for the first half year 2017. HALF YEAR REPORT 2017 – BOSKALIS 22 INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1ST HALF 1ST HALF (in millions of EUR) Note YEAR 2017 YEAR 2016 OPERATING INCOME Revenue [5] [7] 1,092.6 1,171.3 Other income 3.7 36.6 1,096.3 1,207.9 OPERATING EXPENSES Raw materials, consumables, personnel expenses, services and subcontracted work - 891.6 - 123.4 - 882.7 - 135.2 Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses Other expenses [7] - 1.5 - - 1,016.5 - 1,017.9 Share in result of joint ventures and associated companies 21.9 - 7.6 RESULTS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (EBIT) 101.7 182.4 Finance income and expenses - 7.0 - 15.0 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 94.7 167.4 Income tax expense [14] - 19.6 - 18.9 NET GROUP PROFIT FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD 75.1 148.5 NET GROUP PROFIT FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD ATTRIBUTABLE TO: Shareholders 75.1 147.5 Non-controlling interests - 1.0 75.1 148.5 Average number of shares (x 1,000) 130,565 133,352 126,312 130,077 Number of shares at the end of the reporting period (x 1,000) Earnings per share EUR 0.58 EUR 0.58 EUR 1.17 EUR 1.17 Diluted earnings per share EBITDA 225.1 317.6

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